Wednesday, August 11, 2010

what matters more *contest closed*

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Bayer One A Day Multivitamins.

With three active boys and a husband who is often gone on 24-48 hour shifts 2-3 times a week, there are many opportunities around here to get lost in the hustle and bustle of need to do, gotta do, wish I could do.

During any given week during this past school year we (big breath) had three scout meetings to attend, two basketball practices and two games, 3 afterschool activities (art, drama, and NEHS) and more. For them. For me, there was school and clinicals twice a week, church activities, and of course the regular house managing duties. I get a lot of help from Hubby, (when I ask, and when he's home) but for the most part, I am the driver, the shopper, the cleaner, the cook, the budgeter and more.

We all have busy lives. We all have to find that balance and learn to juggle, right? Find out what is most important, not be afraid to say 'no', and prioritize. I've been using Bayer's "What Matters to You" website (home of One A Day Women's Multivitamins) to plan my days and remember to keep the more important things at the top of my To Do list. Their "My Tree Matters" tool helps me manage the goals I have per week (or longer) while encouraging me to live a balanced and healthy life. I was able to break down my weeks into varying segments that I wanted to focus on: I chose creativity, relationships, and leisure, but I could have also chosen family, health, money, health, nutrition, and more.

This past year, certain things to me were critical for my personal well being and sanity. One was allowing myself a few minutes a day or hours a week to just sit and read for pleasure. Yes I was in school, and yes I had some pretty heavy subject matter. But there's something about just opening a book because you want to in order to escape Momhood and the constant pressures of Go Go GO. To just indulge in someone else's imaginary land and reboot, so to speak. Leisure time was paramount to me and my overall well-being.

Another thing I absolutely did not want to do without (and I think I only missed 2-3 times the whole year) was the opportunity to volunteer weekly at my children's school. Though technically not leisure time, (giving up a day of my week was a sacrifice!), there are many reasons I do this...1: I enjoy getting to know my kids' teachers. 2: I like them to know I'm an actively involved parent regarding their education. 3: I like to know what my kids are learning. 4: My kids love it. And 5: it's a great way to say thank you. Even though I'm doing it for them, I also do it for me. My children love it and I have fun with it, and it helps me slow down one day a week and better connect with my boys.

Having and acting on my priorities, including allowing for leisure time, made the busy busy year not so toxic. There were few (yes, I'll admit) meltdowns along the way, but finding a little bit of personal time to relax and a bit of a public way to give back helped me keep my world going, and helped me feel like I mattered to someone by being there for them.

For the $150 BlogHer giveaway, tell me what matters to you more? how do you prioritize your personal time? Yes, we all have our gotta do's and our need to do's, but what makes your list of just plain old wanna do's? Share your opinion here in the comments.

Contest runs 8/11/10 through 9/11/10.

Five more chances to win here, as well as one chance to win $100 from the exclusive offers page.

See here for official rules.


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Mami2jcn said...

My children and husband matter way more to me than a clean house. Not that my house is filthy, but I'm not endlessly dusting like a maniac. I'd rather have fun with my family.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Ami said...

My family is what matters the most to me, but I admit that sometimes it may not seem like that when I let other things take priority. I'm going to look at that website since I know when I write something down I'm more likely to do it.

AZ HS Spotlight said...

Kids and hubby first, then worry about the rest.

Teri said...

family of course.. but sometimes I slack and clean or blog:) hey I'm just being honest!!

jinxi~ aka angi said...

Its nice to feel important!

What matters to me more right now is routine.. it keeps us all balanced and on track. I figure if I can keep a decent routine then the kids, the husband and I with my OCD will all be happier. Sometimes we get off routine and it creates severe chaos.. so its just better to have it in our daily lives. :)

Stephanie said...

I love my kids, and husband, but I have found when I budget the time for me to exercise, I feel a lot more effective for the day.

meeyeehere said...

A happy,healthy child matters most to me! I let my house just fall apart sometimes when my son is ill or needs me because that is just material and matters very little to me.

Lorie said...

Of course family comes first, but I find if you make them help you clean the house you can have a clean house and fun with the kids. ;D

Nichols Family said...

The only way I get any personal time (I work full time, and have 3 little ones-ages 6, 4 and 2) is to make sure that we stick to bedtime every night. Then once my kids are settled, I get a little time for myself. Whether it's relaxing, or even doing chores without distractions, that's my time.

Emily said...

Of course family is most important-but as far as what matters for my personal "me" time. It's not creative but I have my shows that I always watch (SYTYCD finale tonight!) and sitting down with a good book.

Anonymous said...

Number one is my wife. That will probably change once a little one is in the house, since it's helpless.


Jenny B said...

Having 3 yo quadruplets is a 24 hr a day job. I LOVE it but this momma's gotta get her "me time" in. I usually try and do something that I just want to do (like read, watch a movie, long shower), guilt free, while they are napping.

Jenny B
jennyhasquads at yahoodotcom

Jamie Lovely said...

What matters most to me at the moment is to start doing things for myself. I'm always taking care of my dad or my brother or sister that I forget to live for myself. I've learned it's okay to put me first!

Angel Jacklyn said...

I wanna be able to live in warm weather my whole life. I want to be able to be successful. I want to be around people who only smile!

Anonymous said...


Kelly H said...

My family matters most to me but if I am not "sane" I can't meaningfully interact with them. And by "sane" I mean taking care of me. Taking care of me means me carving out an hour after work to walk/run/hike. It makes me feel better and I'm a much nicer mommy & wife!

khamilton @

Unknown said...

Growing children into awesome adults matters more to mw! I love a clean floor and I'm a dish doing machine, but I'll stop to read a book anytime.

sassy2 said...

having the energy to keep with my twin boys and remain the true tomboy at heart that I am.

Nita said...

Family is more important than a spotless house. I've found through the years that if everything isn't perfect nothing horrible happens and everybody is more relaxed and happy.

Unknown said...

I've been trying to organize and do one thing every day to reach my goal of having a clean, organized house so we can move. We've lived in this house for over 20 years and I really want to move to a larger house in the suburbs. We've managed to accumulate a lot of clutter and with both my husband and I working full-time, there's never any time to do a thorough cleaning.

I made a list of tasks and every day I make it my goal to cross off one item whether it's a large one like "Cleaning the attic" or a small one like "wash off the top of the dryer". Just being able to cross one thing of my endless list makes me feel more optimistic and encourages me to keep plugging away toward my goal. I also have a list of "family" projects like cleaning the garage that I plan for a day when we're all off together. It takes so much less time when we work as a team and organize one space in our house.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

my family is most important. We are so busy during the week that we try to enjoy having fun or relaxing on the weekends.

what do I get sidetracked with? cleaning and work. I am a little OCD... At the end of the day though I could lose anything except for my family. They are irreplaceable.

misaacmom at gmail dot com

Lorie said...

Oh. Wana do's! I love getting to go window shopping alone! Walking through shops, thrift stores, flea markets, without kids or anyone else to worry about! I love it! That is 'my matters to me' thing!

NesieBird said...

What matters most to me right now is that I have a solid sense of balance, mixing only the appropriate amount of work with enough pleasure to offset it. This prevents me from feeling overwhelmed, while enabling me to get things done at the same time. Some of the ways I wind down are with a good book or weeding in my garden. Life is too short to not enjoy.

kneecree @ gmail dot com

Kelsey said...

As a Mom, it's alwasy hard to prioritize, but having a warm and loving home is the most importan thting to me, and letting my family know that they are the most important people.

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Spending time with the Grandsons means the most to me...then it would be crafting.

BrendaLea A. - Purple Lady
prpldy (at) comcast dot net

Karina said...

My children matter to me


Nancy said...

Our wanna do items include reading and cooking together!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Ellie Wright said...

Taking time out of a busy day to get down on the floor and play trains with my two little grandsons. That tops my wanna do list.
eswright18 at

Unknown said...

I want to do and my need to do is spending time with my family!

Super Frugalette said...

I need to have my personal time, without it I am a frustrated scatterbrained, grouchy mama. I have learned to get up before the kids. Ohhh! When I do, life is amazing! topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com

Mandy W. said...

My family matters the most. I have realized though that even though I know this, I don’t always show this to them. My actions have to show that they matter more than anything else. I have been working on my patience, my words and how to demonstrate my love and affection effectively.

Chelsea said...

My family... including our baby due in 4.5 weeks!
chelsea at rootsandrings dot com

Tracie Nall said...

Family comes first!
But I do take time out of my day to read and blog and that is my "me time". It recharges me and makes me a happier wife and mom.

mar said...

What matters to me more than anything is the health of my family.

Denise S. said...

My husband and kids are what matter most and I have to remind myself to stop obsessing over the much smaller stuff.

Linda W said...

No matter what's on my mind when I come home from work each day, what matters to me most is my husband, our dog, and our health. I prioritize working out over cleaning and cooking since I can't take care of my loved ones if I'm not healthy!

Unknown said...

My husband, friends and pets matter to me. I would do anything for them. And now that I am older, I realize the importance of putting "good" out into the world. It comes back to me many times and feels terrific.

Katherine M said...

My family matters most to me. If I am keeping them in focus, my priorities are straight. However, I have to remind myself that I am part of that family and have to take care of my own health and happiness.

Nanci said...

What matters to me with our hectic schedule is to have dinner together every night.

agordon10 said...

I prioritize family first, than work, than myself.

Chip said...

I realized a long time ago that getting to play with my kids and enjoy life is so much more important than having a house that is spotless. This summer, we wake up, straighten up a little and then spend the whole afternoon out exploring the world. It's been fantastic. The deep cleaning will start the day they go back to school.

elizabeth p said...

Once a month we have a veg night, no foods are off limits and we all pile into my big bed for movies til we drop. We laugh, we cry,we just enjoy each other. I am queenesperfect at

Stephanie said...

I need some quiet alone time to recharge and rarely get it so my biggest wanna do is 15 minutes of silence daily. Happens once a month if I'm lucky and only because I lock myself in the bathroom with a pair of tweezers and pluck away!
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Pets and their people said...

Spending time with my family is what matters most, spending time alone on walks so I can clear my head is my wanna do just for me

Nathan C said...

What matters to me more is progress. Hence why I rarely sleep, work hard, and get things done.

Heck why not, I am still young!

jemscout425 said...

My family matters to me most, although every once in awhile I do take time for myself


my kids

mogrill said...

My family is my priority and everything else goes after that!!
Thanks for the chance.

April said...

Definitely family first.

Janice said...

family times come first :)

buzzd said...

Having positive supportive people in my life to help me through the rough times. We try to do fun things together even if we are busy as those are the memories you cherish

aajacques said...

My family is everything to me and they matter the most.

llinda29 said...

Being healthy means more to me.

anna said...

i've let everything else matter to me more and i've let my health go. no more. i'm taking care of me this year so i can take better care of everyone else.

Black Sheep Broad said...

My Husband is my number one priority. I need to make sure he is prepared for a day of work, or has the tools he needs for his days off. I am happiest caring for him. I need to remember to make myself a priority. I try to care for my health, but sadly all the pampering and fun things fall by the wayside.

Anonymous said...

My first priority is always to my family and my children first, then to myself and my girl, then to others in my community :)

In terms of caring for myself, I have to actually take time to go back into my cave and reside there for a while, to write :)

BethW7372 said...

I just started medical school and prioritizing my time is even more important. For me, having some time for me (not just studying all the time) is essential. I use 'my' time to read novels or sometimes watch TV or enter online sweepstakes. I also go home whenever I can to see my family and my boxer Zoe.

Unknown said...

my family matters most to me, and my goal is to make sure that the time I spend with them is high quality time

mmentor said...

please and thank you

Beverly said...

Family is very important and I love working in my garden.

Tarah said...

My marriage and then family - then myself. Without those three life gets way too hard to handle!


Marsha said...

Taking time for myself is important. If I don't the whole family suffers, I become grouchy and unbearable.

Erica said...

I try and take some time to myself at least once a month. I go out with a friend or get a pedicure. It helps me remember that I'm a person outside of being a mother and wife.

fostertam said...

I want my weekends to be me time, family time, or fun time--no cooking big meals, or cleaning, or bringing home work==just play

Just call me "B" said...

My hubby and my boys matter more. More than anything. More than other people. More than wasted time. More than a lot of things. I love us 4!

sweepmom said...

scheduled appointments come first then I prioritize by what things need to get done and what we want to do. Often times the things that need to be done will be put off in favor of what we want to do. Sometimes things can wait so we can get in some good family time.

Ani said...

What matters to me the most is being able to be happy with myself and of course my King, Prince charming and Little Princess!!!

Tina12312 said...

Family always comes first, but hobbies and guilty pleasures like watching a good movie, reading a good book or gardening are important me time for me. Thank you!

bayctygrl said...

family and fun come first. I admit I put the fun time in front of housework but on my deathbed I am not going to be sorry I didn't clean more I am going to be happy I lived more. Um not that my house is nasty, just lived in :)

hippopurplemonkey at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

traveling! taking my dog on nice long walks and reading great books. scg00387 at yahoo dot com

nape said...

I enjoy spending time with my kids more than anything else. They take priority over most any other activity. My daughter left for school a week ago today, and I've been suffering from a bad case of Empty Nest Syndrome. Family is tops with me.

Thanks for a great giveaway

Carolyn G said...

My priority is definitely my hubby and my home. If I don;t have a tranqil and happy family life, nothing else matters. You can have all the money in the world but it will mean NOTHING if you aren't happy.

daveg0929 said...

My caregiver visits aren't long but mean the world to me. She matters the most.

clc408 said...

I make sure to have time for my family and friends. The house and yard work will patiently wait.

wigget said...

i enjoy taking time for myself, like shopping or getting a luxurious massage

cdmtx65 said...

what matters most in my life is my Hubby and the Kids. i can overcome whatever life throws at me with the support of my husband & kids :)

Alicia said...

making sure I make time for myself

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

DG said...

dinner time with family, walks in the evening, coffee with friends on Fridays, and having some time to read at least three times a week are little things that I enjoy and that make life more meaningful :)


kamewh said...

My children definitely matter the most to me :)

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

OlyveOyl said...

Family is so important and showing them the importance of volunteering as a family (by example) is one way we remain best friends. We enjoy providing a hand up to others less fortunate. And we will find time for friends, fun, sports and down-time!

Bacallsmom said...

Like most, my family is what matters to me. I also try to take the time and effort to help out friends who have been there for me in the past. And I take the time and make the effort to keep my mind and body as healthy and active as possible. After all, if I don't care for me, who is going to?

marybug2 said...

I enjoy my family as the most important thing in my life. When ever I can I spend time with them, I have 2 girls, 1 boy and 6 grand children and they are all healthy. God has been very good to me.

hale2005 said...

I enjoy surfing the web in my spare time.


smilekisses said...

My daughter matters to me most. I plan my life around her.

Yaya' s Home said...

My wanna' do's include creating lasting treasures for my family.

~ Yaya

terrid614 said...

my priorities are my family. they come first no matter what. we have a blended family, so trying to fit in activities, cooking, cleaning and everything else, and maintain a calm home environment, sometimes becomes quite a 'job'....then fit in a regular full time profession and some days are quite crazy!
i make lists and try to manage my time efficiently. i still try to fit in a special date night, or allow a little bit of me time, so i dont go toooo insane! (i say that with love)! i am working on opening an etsy shop and trying to get my baking business off and running! i wish there was more time in the day!!!!

Amy said...

I matter most to me. I take care of myself and get my rest so I can take care of my son and husband.

avennett AT verizon DOT net

Terri Dell said...

I try to get chores done early in the day so the rest of the day is free for whatever happens to come up.

Wander said...

I'm a busy mom too! I REALLY enjoy taking care of my family. I love cooking and even picking up after them. (CRAZY, I KNOW)
I realize how fast time flies, now that our oldest is in college and our 2 daughters are in high school!

I like to do stuff for me too. Like go for coffee with girlfriends and talk! It always regenerates me and builds up my love tank!

Tricia316 said...

I prioritize by asking myself "In the grand scheme of things is XXXXXXXX really worth doing right this second, or can it wait so I can do YYYYYYYYY or ZZZZZZZ?" Chances are I can rearrange my schedule so my family comes first, then housework, then random things. Family should always come first in my book!

Tammigirl said...

What matters most to me is my family. I know it sounds like the easy answer, but it's the easy answer for a reason.

Waking up each morning with my happy husband, who is fortunate enough to work from home, is fantastic. A little love from the sweet puppy is another great part of my mornings. I shuttle kids to school and work during the days. I do other interesting and exciting things like laundry, grocery shopping for the 7 (8 if you include the puppy) of us, and other errands.

The best part of every day is the sincere talks and laughter we get to share every day.

Harriett said...

My family means more than anything else. Then my "me" time is what help keeps me sane.

Jill said...

I will definitely say that my house comes last and my kids come first. My hubby is in there somewhere too :) My kids are only little once and I want to enjoy every minute of them growing up!

jillk77 at aol dot com

sweetsue said...

My children are grown and moved out, but they and my grandchildren are important to me. So is my boyfriend and making time to read and visit with friends and family. I like a clean house too!
smchester at gmail dot com

sksweeps said...

My house isn't so clean because my life is so crazy, but I take a few moments and watch a panda at a zoo on panda cam and it is a tiny break for me! Then, it's back to all the running around for my family, job, parents....

Melinda said...

My husband matters the most to me. We are a team!

Anonymous said...

I will definitely say that my house comes last and hubby and kittens come first

Blue Girl said...

Time flies, an in the end it won't matter if you wear designer clothing or have an immaculate house . . . memories will matter!

bluegirl1423 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

God matter most, then family, then friends, and work falls in somewhere at the end.

joy said...



sean said...

Jesus is my ultimate priority

jakiesmom said...

as a sahm i give my son almost 100% all day..but at night i definately take some me talk on the phone, watch tv etc.

nannypanpan at

Henria O. said...

I consider my husband and two daughters to be my most important assets in life. I don't care for status or riches in this life, though I feel that God blesses us daily; I only wish for a healthy, happy family!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

I feel sorry for anyone who does not have someone or something that matters to them more than a clean house. Family is first for me, but there are a lot of things in life that top the clean house! Mine is not spotless, but it is not a pigsty either, and I have no problem putting it fairly low on my list of priorities.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

susitravl said...

We had kind of gotten away from spending time with friends because of our busy schedules. But we decided that LIFE was passing us by and we needed to have more fun.

We've reconnected with some great couples that we have known for years and have had such a great time hanging out with them over the past few months.

Courtney said...

I'd have to say I love my family they are totally my top priority everyday but I need some me time each week to be a better mom and wife. Even if its just an hour in my room with a book by myself, I think all stay at home mom's need time to recharge a little to be better at our full time job!!!

Anonymous said...

Spending time with my family always matters more than doing household work. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com

teamBoo said...

Love is what matters the most to me. When I am loving I am a better person/mother/wife/service giver. When I am loving I can get out of my head and make the energy around me radiate. When i am loving I am a better example to my children and my heart motivates me to action. Then even though my day to day grind is never "done" i can remember the day for what is was intended: a day of living life full of love.

teamBoo said...

oops forgot my email:


ragamuffinbeauties said...

I am a stay at home Mom who homeschools. While I have plenty of friends, my schedule doesn;t always allow for a lot of social interaction. Blogging & twittering e little every day gives me the social interaction to release the days tension and still maintain a doable schedule.

Jenni Carlisle

Anonymous said...

I have a mile long list of job titles, but I've found I am better at all of them when my house is clean and organized. I can just function better. So that is something I need to do to stay sane. Something I want to do is my weekly dance class, which I love.

Katrina Brady said...

When my oldest was 4, she started saying "let's have a cup of tea and talk mom" Of course her tea was warm milk but I realized just how important it was to drop everything and listen. It is more important to me than anything else that I "have tea and talk with my family daily"

Katrina Brady said...

oops I forgot to add my email addy

sweetpeg at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

My kids matter the most, even though I stay at home I still feel as though I don't spend enough "quality" time with them, but sometimes I need time to read and tweet.
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

The Bluths said...

Husband and kids matter most of course, isn't that what we're supposed to say? ;) But it's true. Although I do put them aside sometimes when I just want to finish my book!

Leah @ A Butterfly In My Stomach said...

My husband and children matter the most to me (with out question!) Our homeschool means a lot to us and sometimes the chores don't get done "on time" but the work will still be there waiting for us!


Amy L said...

My children are grown and moved out, so I have a lot more free time now than I used to. Unfortunately, along with the emplty nest, must husband's mid-life job change has required him to work longer hours, so I'm on my own a lot more than I'd like. Anytime I can be with my husband or kids is the most important priority in my life, so I try to make the most of it.

msrodeobrat said...

hubby is super important and almost always comes first, but i make time to get the house cleaning and have a little me time to... usually early in the morning before he gets up
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Retta69 said...

My kids make my life meaningful. I had twins a year ago, which they both almost died. I thank the Lord everyday for them. Since having them in my life, it seems it worth so much more.

Kerry said...

God and my family matter the most to me. They definitely rank above work and everything else.

Debbie C said...

For me, it is essential to have some solitary time every day. time with no one around, in my own home. That's not always easy but I make it happen because it's a priority for me.

swisspotluck said...

Family comes first and usually cleaning up house comes last.

The best way to have enough time to do anything is to have a really full schedule. The fuller it is, the more likely I am to use any spare time getting things done. The more free time I have, the more I just pfaff about doing nothing.

Delfina said...

Spending time with DH and the kids during the summer. We have limited time with them, so what we get share with is very important. The rest of the year I get my personal time.

Subscription Box Girl said...

my family and friends matter more than cleaning the house or doing household chores.

Kelly Massman said...

family is the most important thing to me; then my part-time job as a tutor--i feel like i am making a difference in some teens' lives; then crafting (to make me feel creative and productive in a meaningful way); then housework (ha)

Susan C. said...

Taking time for my family, but also taking time for myself!

cdabs said...

What matters most to me right now is restarting my life after surviving a long illness.

chlorinebrain said...

Family is what matters the most -- life is way too short. My husband & I learned that the hard way -- lost a friend who was only 44 years old, he left behind 3 small children & wife.

Rikk Connelly said...

I work full time and have three teens. I can't do all the things that I want to do for myself but I do try to make time for family,
My kids are amazing young people who are the loves of my lifes and still love their mom, even tho they are teens

bluedragon51 said...

Family always comes first; everything else is secondary.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, my kids will always come first when it comes to their health, safety and well being, but as a working mom, I cherish my "me" time and am not guilty for taking it. I'm lucky enough to have a great husband who will take my boys for an entire day! When I get free time, I'm not one of those women who feel guilty or don't know what to do with themselves....I use it fully to do all that nourishes my spirit.

Anonymous said...

What matters to me most is my family! They come first before anything, etc. I want my family to be happy and healthy!


JC said...

Health of my family members matters the most to me.

Racingjourno said...

Taking care of the health and well-being of family is the most important matter.

scoopster(nospam)at yahoo dot com

jan said...

What matters most to me are the people in my life - everything else is just secondary. After coming very close to losing my husband suddenly, and then losing my mother very suddenly, I've learned to cherish every single moment with my loved ones and never take a moment or a day for granted, because you never know what the next day will bring. Enjoy life, enjoy nature, take time to relax and enjoy every moment with your loved ones - that's the most important thing in life. sammiejanL40 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I make time for family first, then chores, then freetime for me!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Ravzie said...

I try not to sweat the small things and enjoy the good life.

Holly B said...

My personal time is very valuable to me. And the time I spend with my husband is the most important!
hblaser at gmail dot com

Already Happy said...

I always make sure to love on my baby, eat good food, and sleep. If I take care of those things, everything else falls into place!

Unknown said...

My family, although small, is the most important thing to me.

marybug2 said...

The most important thing to me is the health and well fair of my children. I thank God for their health and the rest they can find a way to deal with life.

Suz said...

My family matters to me most because they are irreplaceable.

txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

Michelle Pixie said...

Having a child who has had cancer it really puts thing into perspective and you just don't sweat the small stuff! Family always comes first. :)

Shelly Leatham said...

My daughter, hubby and the rest of my family are most important to me. The house and everything else will get worked out! (eventually)

dawns41 said...

My family is my first priority. I want them healthy and happy.

mickeyfan said...

Now that I've raised my 2 kids into responsible, loving adults, the priority is to re-establish "us" as a couple. It's taken some time, but we're getting there.

won said...

What matters to me is honoring the memory and legacy of my late daughter while nurturing and supporting my 13 year old son.

miriama said...

Right now it's me. I am in the midst of fighting a severe depression. My pills aren't working. I have no health insurance so had to stop therapy. SO I have to try to get through the day and learn to cope. Only then can I really enjoy my family and be there for them.

turboterp said...

The health and safety of my family, including my parents, matter more than anything. And of course my own health so I can keep up with everyone!

Anonymous said...

Family is so important...They are my number one priority over work of anything else. I make it important to spend time with family before other things I might would want to do....

The Sunshyn said...

I work, but I do that almost all the time anyway, so what I HAVE to do is make the few times a year gatherings to be with distance people I love. I found out during a very long illness that that was the most important thing to make my life worth living.

Kasey K said...

See my Hubby is out of town all the time for work sometimes we wont see him for months, so I give my all to my kids, I make sure they know how much I love them and focus all of my free time on them, and I wouldn't have it any other way
Thanks for the contest

Unknown said...

My family matters to me most. I love when we do things together. For me time, I like to poke around a thrift store or take the dogs for a walk.


Anonymous said...

Family first - but you have to remember that you are your family too so make that time for yourself. Yes, laundry won't do itself but it can wait while you get a bit of time for relaxation.

Christine C. said...

Family is my number one priority. I also try to spend at least one or two nights a month with just my husband without the kids.

sammi1 said...

The health and safety of my husband and kids is what matters most to me.
lori37312@ gmail dotcom

Jenn S. said...

The health and well being of my family matters the most.
For me time, I like to head to a bookstore and browse with a yummy decadent cup of coffee or other warm beverage. :) jas8929(at)gmail(dot)com

Leslie said...

As often as possible I get up before sunrise and take a long walk on the beach. I'm definitely calmer during the day when I've had that little slice of quiet time first thing in the morning.

Just call me "B" said...

Spending time with my hubby and my boys. Making Memories!

Heidi said...

If I am judging what is important to me by my actions of today it would be sleep- I shafted my workout buddy for an extra hour in the bed. Courage- I rallied my timid nine year old into class after being snapped at by her teacher yesterday. Breast feeding- because no matter what else I am doing it seems I am nursing while I'm doing it. Self expression with a hearty dose of humor, because I tried not to laugh and stifled a Billy ray comment as I watched my fourteen year old comb his-heaven help me- MULLET with a round brush so it would flip up!! OK I did laugh, but I will make it up to him because putting things right with my kids always tops my list of important.

Laurah said...

I know that I'm a better wife and mother when I take time for myself. Whether that means reading a book, going shoe shopping or grabbing a nap, that time to myself makes me a happier, calmer person.

Kristie said...

I think a persons perspective is always changing, and always should, as one’s life is always changing and different things require attention at different times. Before my two month old twin boys were born, I was a lot more focused on making friends and having an apartment I could show off to my friends. Now I barely have time to shower, let alone have a gals get together! That’s ok though, because my boys are what matters most right now and their needs need to occupy the majority of my day, even though I love my friends and miss spending time with them. There’s a season for all things.

js22 said...

I try to strike a balance between what I want to do and what I have to do.
Critical things always get done before the deadline - non-critical things get added to a list in my head and will get done .... someday!

js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Barbarawr said...

My kids matter most. I gave up a lucrative career to have them and I've never looked back once. But I put the same energy into raising them that I used to put into my career (but the wardrobe is SO much more comfy - LOL). I love watching every stage of their development.

In all other areas, I'm a "good enough" whatever. My house isn't spotless, and we don't eat gourmet foods, but I don't stress about it either. I find that when I'm stresed, it makes the kids stressed, so I try to avoid it - at least while they're around.

Email address is in blogger profile

idahomom said...

For me it is all about family. I am a CPA, but I gave up a career to be available for my boys.

Julieh said...

My family is the most important part of my life. I prioritize them first, then other things can follow. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My relationship with my Lord and Savior matter most. As I read, learn and talk with him I find the balance to maintain and grow the relationships with my grown children and granddaughter.

Sonya Allstun said...

I am most thankful that my family is happy and healthy. Material things are replaceable family isnt.


truthserum1 said...

Spending time with my family and achieving my goals and aspiration matter to me the most.

Kristi said...

Family matters most. Like you I also schedule "me time". It is needed...even if only for a few minutes. :)

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

My husband and kids are what matter most. Making sure that we eat well and take care of ourselves are very important to me.

katfam95 @ aim dot com

Joy said...

MY 5 kids matter the most I don't want to mess them up. I want them to grow to be good, loving, motivated people.

chatterBOX said...

After a huge cancer scare with my mom, life changed for me completely. I never take a single day for granted, spend time with the one’s I love the most and don't sweat the small stuff anymore. Life is so much easier when you have love - prioritize whats real and for get what will never be!

tallcapp said...

Seeing my grandchildren regularly means more to me even than relaxing. It is fun watching them grow up.

tesashel said...

What matters to me most is spending time with my kids, no matter if I feel good or not, and knowing that they're growing up with good morals and values and will pass that on to their kids some day.

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it, my children matter the most to me.

diesel51 said...

I finally decided to start a little time for myself. Exercising and discovering interests that I had neglected for years are making me happier and in a better mood. This helps me be a better wife and mother.

Claire said...

Spending time with friends and family, definitely.

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

Valeen said...

What matters the most to me are the small every day moments, like cuddling on the couch in the morning with my kids before they head off to school. My son has special needs and will not leave for school unless we've had some 'snuggle time' each morning. It helps him (and me) center and get ready for the day. Those are the moments that really matter!

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

katybaby said...

Spending time with my family matters more to me than a clean house!

slehan said...

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which sometimes slows me down. I make time to swim at the warm water pool 3 times a week which helps me the rest of the time. Thanks for the contest.

Denice P- doozercries said...

people often think it's selfish when i say what is more important, i say me. It's far from being selfish. If I don't take care of myself in a good way making sure my needs are met then there really is no way for me to be of any help to anyone. I love being able to help folks and like i said I can only do that if i take care of myself first.

Unknown said...

My family is the most important to me! What I want most of all is happy kids and a happy husband!

Anonymous said...

My family is what matters the most to me! However, I do feel strongly that the home should be kept clean at all times!

I help my wife with household chores as often as I can and the both of us have recently delegated 'more chores' for our children!

Alissa Schrader said...

Family will always be the most important to me. Second is friends. Those two things are something that I can't ever imagine living without.

Anonymous said...

What matters to me the most is how I treat others. At the end of my life, what I own or what job I held won't matter much. But, how others remember their relationship with me will.

loni broesch said...

Family time is the most important time!

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

Tammy said...

My family matters the most!

MK said...

My husband, my kids, and my dogs are what matter to me. It is also very important to me to be the best person I can be. I enjoy giving back to my community and friends and family.

pammmywooo said...

My family comes first. I have found that letting the little things go makes life much easier.

Anonymous said...

My family comes first, of course, but I need ME time too. My wife and I take turns. For example, this past weekend she went out with her friends for an evening, and I watched over the kids. Tomorrow, I will go on a motorcycle ride with my buddies. Though family activities are important, we also need time (not a lot necessarily)to do things on our own, occaisionally.

pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Chrystal said...

My family is most important to me, and then my pets.

chrystaljns @ gmail dot com

Unknown said...

The days that I can spend all my time with Brea are my wanna do days. Brea is my daughter and the most important thing in my life!

Erica C. said...

If my family is cared for and happy, and my job is stable...I'm happy. If I have 5 extra minutes to just lay in bed with no worries, I'm ecstatic!

Unknown said...

blogged per official rules

WrayLynn said...

This is something I struggle with all the time. I can honestly say the one thing I do for ME every day is exercise. We have a gym membership and that is about the only thing I have just for me. It's essential to me that I exercise. Otherwise I'm a crabby, no good, very depressed person.

WrayLynn said...

I forgot to leave my email. It is

wraylynn at juno dot com

Storm Safety Blog said...

Cleaning and cooking are pretty low priorities, to make time during the day. I get my time when everyone else has gone to bed. I don't get enough sleep or enough exercise. Wow, this isn't a very positive comment, is it? Life is just too busy and complicated now, compared to life when I was a kid, and it's not just because I was a kid.

Amanda said...

My day is consumed with my kids but I make sure I get some me time even if it's at 11:00pm. Watch TV, read, Facebook, or blog. I have to do something for myself before I go to bed to be able to relax & fall asleep.

osmondfreak at cox dot net

Anonymous said...

What matters most to me is my son and my niece who just came to live with me. She sacrificed everything to be able to go to school and I applaud her for her determination! My son also loves the fact that he has a sudo-sister now!
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

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