Friday, September 25, 2009

3 boys, 2 toilets, and why I really really needed this air freshener. Really.

This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Febreze NOTICEables

Snakes and snails

and puppy dog tails

that’s what little boys are made of.

Boogers and snot

old socks full of rot

that’s what little boys are made of.

Stink and sweat

too bad to forget.

Belches and farts

and jokes about ‘parts’.

‘Nuff toe jam and dirt

to cause an alert.

Grime and grit,

a whole lot of spit.

That’s what little boys are made of.

And I have three of them.

Now granted, mine are 5, 7, and 10, and although on occasion they get a bit ripe, they’re not yet at the phase of needing deodorant, cologne, or dose of napalm in their rooms. However, due to their ages, their height, and their aim, their bathroom is . . . shall we say . . . not always the most fragrant room in the house.

Seriously, that room could be spotless and sweet smelling at 3p when I’ve cleaned it, but after they’ve used it, bathed, and brushed teeth, by 8p it’s full of spilled bathwater, smeared toothpaste, and other unfortunate happenings as such that befall the area around the toilet.

Maybe I should have the boys go back to sitting down to ‘go’, if you get my drift.

All this to say, when I was asked to review these Febreze NOTICEable plug in air fresheners, I jumped at the chance. I knew precisely where I’d put mine. As luck had it, I was given three with a variety of different scents to try, so I’ve actually been altering the flavors in the unit as well as moving them around the house as needed.

There are so many choices. And the draw about these is, two flavors are plugged into each unit.

See how it’s two bottles in one? They don’t mix – they aren’t going off at the same time. Here’s how it works.

You put your choice of Febreze NOTICEable into the unit.

Like so.

You set it on low or high. I actually set mine on low because I was worried about the scent overpowering such a small room. I have a teeny house. :)

Next, you plug it in.

And then over the course of the day, the unit will alternate the stimulation of either scent, with the idea that you don’t ‘get used to’ one scent or another. As it’s constantly switching, you constantly NOTICE the yummy smell. Get it?

This flavor is what I have going on in my boys’ bathroom right now. And I have to tell you, I am the biggest NON-fan of pumpkin that you’ll ever meet. But the two of these flavors off-setting each other . . . the berries and the pumpkin . . . very yummy smelling. (And don’t you love how each box has both flavors available for scratching and sniffing so you can get an idea of how they smell together? I know I do!)

During the day, you’ll notice the light change from one side of the plug-in to the other, and that just tells you that it’s alternating between the two scents. Kind of ingenious if you ask me. And my boys’ bathroom smells like the wild outdoors. Well, at least it doesn’t smell like someone’s gone wild indoors. :)

And now for a giveaway!

Febreze is giving away a $100 Visa card and a free Febreze gift basket to one lucky winner from my blog.

The contest will be open from Sept 28th until October 27th.

All you have to do is answer the following question: What is the most important thing you do to maintain a clean, fresh home?

You have 9 chances to win! Go check out other reviewers’ blogs here and enter their drawings for the shot at the $100 gift card.

Now for the legal stuff:

To enter, leave me a comment below and tell me what is the most important thing you do to maintain a clean, fresh home - or you may leave a link to your post on your own blog in the comments below. The contest will begin at Monday, September 28, 2009 and will end Tuesday, October 27, 2009. Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct.


  • No duplicate comments.
  • You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
  • You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
  • This giveaway is open to US Residents, aged 18 and older
  • Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
  • You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Good luck!

(be sure to check out my blog Life with the Boys)


Jenna said...

The most important thing I do to maintain a clean...fresh home...hmmm I always make sure there are no dishes in the sink!

Unknown said...

I have two indoor dogs and I have found that vacuuming regularly helps a lot. I also use Febreze spray on my couches and rugs.

Monica McCoy said...

The most important thing i do is keep the diaper trash can emptied. Taking out the trash is a huge help! Of course regularly cleaning too.
justmons @ hotmail . com

Emily said...

I have a regular cleaning time with my kids when they pick up everything (that they can-they're only 4 and 2) while I wipe down, etc. It keeps our house...not clean exactly, but close enough

Teri said...

with 3 boys of my own ..I catch your drift!! we keep our home smelling clean by using clorox wipes all the time! we also like to get fresh air in the house as much as possible... and now that its cooling down we can do that more often... I love febreeze citrus spray.... Its the only scent spray I use because its not overpowering and it smells lovely!!! I am a scent person so if it smells "aerosoly" or fake I dont like it!

JoeyfromSC said...

I loved the little boys poem!! I am the oldest of 4 boys:)

I am obsessed with making my home smell good! I am constantly burning scented candles and use febreze alot!!

I also do regular cleaning of course and use bleach to sanitize!

Thank you for the chance to win!


JoeyfromSC said...

Tweeted about your giveaway:

Deanna said...

Vacuum regularly!

Deanna said...


Christine said...

I actually really love this product! We use the pet noticeable where the litter box is in the house and it works so well! Plus when you have no carpet a lot of air freshners can be over powering and this one is just plain plesant.

Lets see what do we do to maintain a clean house? We are kinda neurotic about the bathrooms and after each bath/shower the tub gets the mat pulled up and a good Lysol spray to make sure no mold or bugs grow :)

Casey Lu said...

I like a lot of the Febreze scents, right now we are using their Home Collection, Willow Blossom and I really like it but I do prefer the more real like scents. What I do to maintain a clean house....geeze...what do I not do. I am very OCD about my house being clean and smelling fresh. I keep my floors clean and clean then frequently, definitely don't like dishes in the sink, I bleach my counters a few times a day, definitely use Clorox wipes in the bathrooms, which my son has to clean the toilets due to the same problem I think all boys have...the lack of aim. I'm not touching it but will supervise. I also like to make sure my couches are vacuumed a few times a week. Gosh, I could go on but I won't.

AZ HS Spotlight said...

I glance around the house and say wow I wish I had a clean and fresh smelling house, then I cry and eat some chocolate.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

we actually do use plug-ins. I love the idea of two in one though. that's awesome. we try and always spray the bathroom every now and then b/c that can get a bit gross. it's always good to just clean things down every now and then too.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Shooting Stars Mag said...


lauren51990 at aol dot com

Unknown said...


Liz said...

I use a lot of Febreeze stuff for the car spray to keep it smelling great. Pet ordor one.
I have one in the living room that's the plug in I change usually when a new flavor comes out or season thing for the holidays right now is willow blossom but soon probably something with cinnamon or pumpkin

Mami2jcn said...

I use deodorizing spray on the diaper pail to help freshen the baby’s nursery.

Mami2jcn said...

I blogged:

Mfalcon13 said...

We make sure to vacuum the high-traffic areas often and air the rooms out.

mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Wade's World said...

We vacuum every other day (mostly because of our dog) and also make sure that the dishes are done and the trash taken out!

Shelby said...

I vacuum everyday and it always makes my home feel cleaner.

Christa said...

We have a new rule with our big dog. When someone lets him outside they have to wipe down the walls with a disinfectant wipe (like lysol wipes) and sweep the floor in his room. It really has helped keep the smell and hair situations under control.
It smells so nice when the NOTICEable changes over too. It's like...aaahhhhh.

Anonymous said...

i make sure i do the dishes everyday and take the garbage out.

Unknown said...

i do the dishes everyday and take the garbage out as soon as possible

Amber said...

The most important thing I do to maintain a clean, fresh home is clean it and then stay somewhere else! Ha-ha, I shampoo my tile and carpets monthly.

Anonymous said...

Truly to maintain a clean, fresh home, I would lock the boys out! But since I cannot do that,sigh, we keep anything with boy sweat (keep in mind we have teenagers to 3rd grade boys)in the laundry room or garage: soccer cleats, stinky socks, tennis shoes, sports clothes.

The next thing would be to flush and wipe the toilet after use.

Boys start stinking around 11. Feet start stinking when they start wearing shoes!

Anonymous said...

My home doesn't feel clean or fresh to me unless it's vaccumed. Which is a pain and takes me like, half a day.

Anonymous said...

We constantly need to keep up with our floor. Our puppy is shedding constantly these days, so there's always a swiffer flying around.

Anna said...

I love it when my house smells fresh and clean - consequently I love Febreeze especially their allergen reducer as many in my family struggle with allergies. I can attest that it truly does work and I am a big fan!

Anonymous said...

I try my hardest to do a little each day so that it's never bad enough to stink!

Anonymous said...

blogged about it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To keep our home smelling fresh, we take the trash out right away and keep the dog off the furniture and on her own little beds with washable covers throughout the house.

vpg71 at

Lara Neves said...

Actually, I use Febreze products quite a lot!

And I try to keep up on laundry. That is always a good stinky source.

And keep the bathrooms clean. But that's the hardest one for me. :)

sasicas said...

Fabreze, Fabreze, Fabreze. I am a spray junkie ;) I love to spray the carpets and the couches with Fabreze and now I have the air spray too. Im obsessed ;)

Anonymous said...

spray , spray , spray. Anti bacterial spray on the toilet seats and handles. Air out the baths by leaving the fans on after the shower so mold and mildew don't build up.

keely said...

Keep dirty dishes from piling in the sink.

JC said...

The most important thing I do to maintain a clean fresh home is to make sure the air is circular no matter what. There are so many others I do to make our house is fresh and clean. Air refreshers are always must haves plus never leave dirty dishes overnight, pack trash daily, vacuum daily and mop/dust regularly. I dry clean my rugs and bleach towels to sanitize regularly as well, these really help!

JC said... tweet

JC said... blogged.

The Bluths said...

The most important thing I do would be to make sure my boys clean up after themselves. Whether that be their toys or their dishes.

The Bluths said...


Carolyn G said...

The most important thing is to open the windows up as much as possible whenever possible to let the fresh air in. THe next thing is to Febreze the sofa, rugs, chairs etc. to keep them fresh smelling.

Carolyn G said...


Carolyn G said...


Michelle Glauser said...

I just found your site and it looks great! And I love Febreze! My roommates like to leave things lying around and it drives me bonkers. There always seems to be some smell lingering . . . I've tried vinegar and just keeping things clean when I can, but sometimes it's a battle.

Nancy said...

I live where it is warm a lot of the year so I open my windows whenever possible and let the fresh air inside.

Katmagick said...

Since I have 7 indoor cats, keeping the litter boxes clean really helps prevent odors.

Katmagick said...


Anonymous said...

I am the only woman in a house full of 1 husband, three soccer/football playing, hygienically challenged teenagers, 2 cats a dog and 1 grumpy old-man (father-in-law). My house needs to smell better or I’m going to go insane. I would be happy to be the new Fabreeze poster family “Fabreeze…better than Prozac”

Ms. Anita said...

I think what’s most important is that I try to make sure no one leaves wet towels or other linens lying around, the trash is taken out regularly, and the dishes are clean. (I know, you’d think those are obvious things… but sometimes the most obvious are the ones most likely to be forgotten or neglected.) :)

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Ms. Anita said...

I tweeted...

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

annies home said...

spifying up as they say is done twice daily

annies home said...


Ane said...

Wash linens weekly, spray around and inside toilets with bleach as often as needed...sometimes everyday, I have 2 little boys who are still learning to potty! I also rinse out the garbage pails once a week. One thing I love is febreeze on all my beds and couches!

marisa said...

Well I enlist the help of all 7 of our family members. Everyone has a job including our 2 year old daughter, which is usually just keeping out of our way!

That way the house is ALMOST always swept, scrubbed and picked up!

Ane said...


Ms. Anita said...

I blogged about this...

roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com

Kelsey said...

Keep the toilets clean!! With a husband and small boy in the house...well, you get the picture.

Lagean Ellis said...

I like to keep the bathroom clean and fresh all the time.

alovelymadness said...

I like to take the area rugs outside and hang them over the fence and beat them every 2 weeks, I leave them out for the day to air out, leave the windows open as much as possible,use the vacuum with the hepa filter 3x a week (3 dogs)and DH steam cleans the carpets about every 2 months.
I also like to hang the curtains outside and the bedclothes to dry. I love the smell of fresh air and sunshine.

Anonymous said...

The most important thing that I can do to maintain a clean, fresh home is lock my four sons out of it! Seriously, if I could just keep them in the basement, the rest of my house would stay clean and fresh. : )

Actually one thing I do every night to enlist help from the boys before bedtime is we have a 10 minute clean up and we race around the house cleaning up as much as we can in 10 minutes. Since they view this as competition, they're into it and actually pitch in without me nagging.

Anonymous said...

I pick up clutter a little every day so it doesn't build up!

Anonymous said...


claire said...

I try not to let clutter pile up, which is a constant battle, but I think it ultimately makes my home feel more clean.

Coupon Clippin Mommy said...

I clean surfaces with clorox wipes & swiffer the floors!

Lia said...

I wish I could pretend that I have a clean fresh house. The best I can do right now is to keep the kitchen sink empty.

BurdenMom said...

Keep the lid closed on the garbage and the recycle bin emptied daily

Ironsnider said...

I keep the windows open when the weather is nice and I vacuum regularily.


Nelsby said...

I like to sprinkle plain baking soda before vaccuuming. It gets rid of odors without bothering everyone's allergies -- like some of the scented vaccuum powders can.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

Nelsby said...

sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com

bargaingirl said...

I love to open up my windows and sliding glass door and air my house out. I also like to clean with bleach for that fresh clean smell. Candles and room deoderizers will work in a pinch.

Anonymous said...

Clorox Wipes! My children all know how to 'swipe' with these wipes and quickly freshen a space. We also actually use Febreeze and one afternoon chore is to do a 3 second spray in each room. It all helps.

Charity Donovan said...

Having quadruplets that are still in diapers (ugggh!) -- It is a MUST that the dirty diapers go outside IMMEDIATELY!!! lol!

Email address spelled out to avoid spam:
charityd at centurytel dot net

Charity Donovan said...

Tweet! Tweet!

Email address spelled out to avoid spam:
charityd at centurytel dot net

Unknown said...

I use bleach wipes on most surfaces quite often - keeps the home pretty much clean and helps prevent illness!

Cecilia said...

Empty the diaper pail often and clean it out weekly.

Jaime said...

I have to open my windows every day, even when it's freezing outside. I love the fresh air.
copperllama at yahoo dot com

The Caffeinated Librarian said...

We open the windows every day, and I have scented diffusers in nearly ever room to keep our space smelling fresh and clean! I also try to use "green" products to avoid harsh-smelling odors when we clean.

txsjewels said...

i love plug-in scents, but find i have to fill up the whole house to make a difference. life with cats. and kids. they stink.

Jones said...

my floors are most important to me too keep my home clean. I have 3 kids and a dog. need i say more?

Tamara B. said...

I vacuum three times a week, scrub the floors once a week, dust once a week and clean the bathrooms once a week. I also use fragrance candles and sprays.

Laura Stewart said...

constantly dusting and wiping up dog hair

katsinabag said...

Cleaning - not so much. I AM a candle fanatic, however! The issue there is that my husband is worried I will one day burn down the house by forgetting how many candles I lit and where. I love the idea of NOTICEables as I'm pretty sure they won't burn down the house.

Emily N. said...

I open the windows to let fresh air circulate.

DeeAnna said...

I vacuum the couch cushions at least once a week and lightly spay with Febreeze. We have a giant, Old English Sheepdog that thinks she's a cat and wants to sleep on the back of the couch! As long as we keep everything clean, vacuumed and the dog bathed and brushed, I'm okay with it. I know..I'm a SUCKER!

Luvdaylilies said...

I try to sweep and vacuum regularly!

Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Peggy said...

Keeping a clean home,by mopping,wiping down surfaces,keeping the bathroom clean ,and making sure the fridge is cleaned once a week.Vacuum 3-4 day a week and burning candles,Febreeze is my favorite, Linen is one of the best scents. Its funny because pine was the scent years ago and I love the house filled with clean fresh scents now. Keeping a clean home and a fresh scent is my way of showing my family I love them!

Kim in WI said...

I try to at least make sure it smells nice. We have a dog that's inside and the house gets that "smell" to it. I like to make sure my floors get wiped down good and then I spray freshners or burn candles to make it smell homey & clean

Kim in WI

JMom said...

Blogged here:

JMom said...

I keep my house fresh and clean by keeping the hubby happy. He does all the cleaning :)

Trish - Mom On Timeout said...

Open the windows and air out the house - nothing smells better than fresh air!

Gina said...

Swiffering my hardwood floors every day is a must! Especially with 2 dogs...

Anonymous said...

The most important thing for my house is to wash our dog's bedding at least once every other week with a bit of vinegar mixed in the load.


cstironkat said...

I wash the sheets and bedding every week. I also vacuum and mop often. With two big dogs and an active family the floors need to be clean.

Ali said...

I use a hepa pet hair specific vacuum cleaner combined with febreeze spray to deal with pet odor, it doesn't help with the litter smell but everything else in my house smells great!

I'd love to try their new products!

Laurie L. said...

To keep our house feeling clean, I have to keep the wood floors swept. With two boys (3rs and 9 months) and two cats, the floors are always collecting crumbs, cat hair, dust, and whatever else seems to fall.

Allison said...

Picking up toys, sweeping the floors, and keeping the sink free from dirty, stinky dishes helps keep our home clean! And with three boys that happens all too quickly! :)

Stephanie ODea said...

oooh, I kind of really want to win the febreeze basket. Your review made me excited!

We keep shoes off in our house, and I keep the clutter at a minimum. I toss things regularly and purge when the kids are sleeping.

xoxo steph

Rosalinda and American Pie said...

Gee, this is an area that has historically been a challenge for me. I am now severely underemployed so I am really praying I will put this extra time at home to good use. Already seeing and enjoying the results!! Burning candles is a favorite, and keeping up with it every day, instead of the all out massive panic-driven clean sweeps of the past.....

Susan said...

I invite people over so that I have to clean.

Grace ~and~Shane said...

What I do to keep my home fresh and smelling good. Is I clean the floors at least twice a week and the kitchen trash goes out daily and the dishwasher is started every night. And I always have a melting pot going on each floor in my home. Thanks for the chance to win.....and for putting this offer together.

Leah said...

The most helpful thing I do is just doing a little every day. A few walks through the house fixing little messes keeps me from dealing with the massive messes that take over.

And I am big on throwing open the windows and letting the fresh air in :-)

Now pick me pretty please! I have 3 stinky kids too!

Caroline said...

I regularly dust the fans and surface areas so it doesn't get too dusty when I deep clean.

Linda Stewart said...

I clean on a regular basis. By clean I mean more than just a pickup. I deep clean. I also keep the trash emptied. With a baby and toddler in the house it's imperative that the trash get taken out daily. I also refuse to allow laundry to build up. I do, on average 2 loads every day. I also keep plug ins in the higher outlets so the boys can't reach and/or I burn nice light smelling candles.

rbailey1958 said...

I clean with citrus type cleaners, they R stronger and the scent lasts longer. I also use those fresheners U hang on the wall that squirts every 30 min. Those really help alot

Anonymous said...

Bleach in the bathroom followed by rain fresh scented cleaners.

Anne said...

If I keep up on chores like taking out the garbage, cleaning the cat box and vacuuming my house smells pretty good. Of course a scented candle always makes it smell better.

Anne said...


leaner said...

I am constantly cleaning the kitchen, like 3 or more times a day. Having a clean kitchen (countertops, included!) makes me feel like the house is more manageable. I also like the beds to be made.

Making the kids do chores seems to be helping, too!

Jblanton said...

I always spray clorox in my kitchen sink, toilet, and take out the trash because it can get stinky quick.

Jblanton said...

I tweeted

Drew said...

Febreze is a staple in our home for keeping stink at bay & freshening things up. The key to a fresh home is a clean home!

Epoch Mamma said...

I am also a mom of boys, one is potty training so I try and keep the bathroom trash can and surrounding area clean as possible. I also use Clorox Bleach Wipes like a maniac, ugh, not very green but keeps me sane. I use Febreze spray to freshen up their rugs in their rooms, and I also try to smile a lot that helps me forget how dirty my house is. (:

Natalie said...

With four boys 4, 3, 2, and 7 months, keeping things picked up and vacuumed and the garbage out is about all I can do some days. Keeping up on the laundry (especially when kids aren't quite potty trained) is essential. I think you don't always realize how the smell of your home effects you. If things smell nice, I feel calmer and things just feel cleaner.

Breck Mom said...

I like to open all of the windows and let the fresh air in! I also like to use Febreeze on all of the soft furnishings.

kcwb said...

I try to keep up with the laundry...nothing like dirty gym clothes and a slightly damp towel to stink up the air!

kristencwiseman at yahoo dot com

Aimee said...

Vacuum often. Use Febreze on furniture. And I have a steam cleaner I use on a fairly regular basis.

degood said...

The most important thing I do is empty the kitchen garbage on a regular basis because it is the source of most smelliness in our home.